What can you do to help.
- On the ground support. We are planning at least one public forum in each of the cities that Vidalina is visiting. For this we need your help to organise the forums.
- Logistical support. We need your time and ability to provide transport to move Vidalina to and from the airport, accommodation and to various venues and interviews.
- Putting Vidalina in contact with people or organisations that might be in a position of helping La Mesa in the future. This may include government agencies, parlamentarians, NGOs, companies, Unions, Church groups, etc.
- Facilitating interviews with the media (mainstream and alternative)
- Offering accommodation for Vidalina.
- Promoting the tour through your networks.
- Becoming a member of the La Mesa Australia support
- Applying pressure directly to the companies involved via letters, phone calls, interviews and shareholder activism.
- Supporting La Mesa's proposal for legislation that will ban mining in El Salvador.
- Attend a public information event. More details can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/WaterNotGold?directed_target_id=0
- Share information with your friends (Sign up for our newsletter at www.stopesmining.org)
- Make a donation to help support this tour and/or support the anti-mining movement in El Salvador, in Australia you can make a donation through the Maritime Union of Australia. Details of the account are:
Account Details: BSB 802-884
Account Number: 4626 (S2)
Name of Account: La Mesa Tour Support