OceanaGold/Pacific Rim

CAFTA Investor Rights Undermining Democracy and the Environment: Pacific Rim Mining Case

Public Citizen

Pacific Rim Mining Corp. is a Canadian-based firm attempted to establish a gold mine in the River Lempa basin, El Salvador’s largest river. This generated a large debate about the health and environmental consequences of mining in El Salvador, an already water-stressed country, and leaders and organizations began to express concerns. The firm responded by filing a claim under the CAFTA demanding compensation for not being able to drill in El Salvador. This article explains the case between Pacific Rim and El Salvador, and how Pacific Rim has used CAFTA to demand hundreds of millions in compensation.


People’s Sovereignty vs. Impunity Inc

Aguiar and Vargas, 2015

This paper exemplifies several articles describing different struggles that have occurred between transnational corporations and people fighting for their rights. One of them is the Pacific Rim OceanaGold case currently taking place against El Salvador. The Australian-Canadian mining corporation is threatening to start extractive mining activities in El Salvador, and launched a multi-million dollar lawsuit against the government of El Salvador. However, Salvadorans are standing up against the extractive mining company, defending the environment, water and their right to life. 


Submission of Amicus Curiae Brief to Pac Rim Cayman LLC v. Republic of El Salvador, ICSID Case No. ARB/09/12

Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL), “Submission of Amicus Curiae Brief to Pac Rim Cayman LLC v. Republic of El Salvador, ICSID Case No. ARB/09/12,” May 20, 2011,  available at: http://www.ciel.org/Publications/PAC_RIM_Amicus_20May11_Eng.pdf